Resources and helpful links:

you can always email me with any questions or if you need help finding more information

Pregnancy and birth

Evidence Based Birth - evidence and studies on induction, positions during birth, doulas, ,…
Spinning babies - exercises and tips for healthy baby position and helping to turn a breech baby
Miles Circuit - exercise to help baby rotate
ICAN - resources for VBAC
Business of Being Born documentary
Why Not Home documentary


Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth
Childbirth without fear
Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn: The Complete Guide
Babies Are Not Pizzas: They're Born, Not Delivered
Holy Labor: How Childbirth Shapes a Woman's Soul
The Birth of Our New Baby - preparing new big sisters and brothers for homebirth

Instagram profiles

Birthing Instincts - breech and birth information, also great podcast
Moomysmilk - breastfeeding facts
Christian hypnobirthing
Cosleepy - safe cosleeping and biologically normal sleep
Nathan Riley OBGYN - researcher, homebirth obgyn, podcast
Down to Birth Shows - podcast and birth account
Tranquility by Hehe - doula and great advocacy resource
Just the inserts - inserts and facts about different medications and vaccines


Staying Abreast Lactation Team - St. Joseph and KC IBCLC
Milk Matters - St. Joseph and KC IBCLC
LaLeche League
Kelly Mom
International Breastfeeding Institute


Postpartum Support International
Bonding and attachment
Babywearing video (different types of wraps)
Your whole baby
American circumcision movie